Wednesday, July 23, 2008

Her Eyes 2 and my vacation

Vacation starts in ohhhhh about 47 hours and I can't wait!

Book signing with Carolyn Jewel and Margaret Lucke Saturday

Wednesday starts RWA and each day the plans get better and better and then I have a week off to write. This year I plan to add 60,000 words to Her Eyes 2 and tell Mike Malone's story. Today I saw the perfect house for my haunted house in Her Eyes 2 -- yes, there's a haunted house in the know those creepy Victorians that have the upstairs dormer windows that look like two eyes peering out at you....the ones with the peeling paint, grayed out shingles from weather and lack of care and the black iron fence surrounding it....and the overgrown yard...that kind of house.

Nice place for a heroine to live.

Wednesday, July 9, 2008

Finding America's Hero Contest

In America's Hero Austin Quinn plays America's Hero,

Major Cass Winters IS America's Hero
Now is your chance to nominate America's Hero and Help me find Austin Quinn

America's Hero is my newest time travel and due out with Champagne Books ( in March 2009. Austin Quinn is a Hollywood hottie and he has played not only some of the greatest heroes America has seen, he's also played such icons as Achilles and Robin Hood in his movies.

Major Cass Winter is a Marine Corps F/A-18 pilot who just wants nothing to do with the Hollywood hunk. Through a freak incident, both are thrown back in time to before the walls of Troy.

contest with hopefully something for everyone.

Part One is your chance to help me find Austin Quinn. His picture will be on, among things, my website, myspace and blog as well as being able to say "I'm the human reality of Austin Quinn from Regan Taylor's book America's Hero".

The winner will have his photograph featured on Austin Quinn's page on my website and on his own blog, a $25 gift certificate, $25 Starbucks gift card, a download of a Champagne book of choice, a jigsaw puzzle of an air craft carrier and an autographed copy of America's Hero when it is released in print.

Details to nominate Austin Quinn with appropriate links are on my website at

Part Two is finding who your American Hero is--is he the young man who shovels snow for the elderly lady next door? The woman who volunteers for the literacy project? A firefighter rushing code 3 to a fire?

From July 4, 2008 through August 31, 2008 you will have your chance to nominate this hero by going to Austin's Blog at and entering a comment on who your hero is. The winner will receive a $25 Starbucks gift card, $25 gift certificate and the download of their choice from Champagne Books.

Both contests will have nominations open until September 1 (Labor Day) the voting will begin for who epitomizes who a true hero is based on the stories told about this amazing individuals. Voting will run until November 10, 2009 (The Marine Corps Birthday and the day before Veterans' Day). (You will need to leave your email so we can contact the winner.)

Wednesday, July 2, 2008

Organ Donation

In Her Eyes one of the key threads turns on an organ donation. It is a core starting point of our story. In the book we touch on fact and fiction surrounding organ transplants. We try to focus on the positive aspects of this amazing gift.

Not long ago I had a conversation with the Marin County California coroner about organ donation and transplants. He told me that most people think that a donor can save three or four lives, maybe up to 8, however, one donor can save or positively impact up to 29 people. That's a tremndous gift to give when you think about saving that many lives. When I joined Brenda Novak and Allison Brennan on a tour of the Sacramento County morgue several months ago their Forensic supervisor confirmed that yes, if you donate you can positively impact an incredible number of lives.

In Her Eyes, we create a fictional positive impact from a transplant. I enjoyed going down that road, looking at pulling together metaphysical, fact, fiction and a smidge of the paranormal into what I think is a really cool story.