Wednesday, August 20, 2008

Her Eyes 2

Detective Mike Malone's story - I finished the first draft by the end of vacation - at 62,000 words for the first round I think it's a good start. I was ready to dig in and start taking a critical look at it but I signed on to coordinate the Heart to Heart this year and ended up spending part of the last weekend of vacation on it and allllllllllllllllllllllll last weekend on it. This weekend is fortunately a 3 day one and except for getting the final entries off to the agents on the Heart to Heart I can totally dig in an work on that second round. And, I have 3 people who want to do the BETA read! When I started it I wasn't sure where it was going to go -- it started with a dream about a woman trapped in a room, trying to escape. Where it went was definitely something different for me with some seriously dark aspects.

Wednesday, August 13, 2008

Her Eyes 2 and my vacation

Vacation was waaaayyyyyy too short


I did write 30,000 words on Her Eyes 2 and the first draft is at 62,000! I've got a solid beta reader ready to dig into it after I give it another go round That way sweet, wounded hero cop Mike has got his story and it may be more than he bargained for.